
GET api/CutAndBend/GetPreview?definitionGuid={definitionGuid}&width={width}&height={height}&scale={scale}&rotation={rotation}&optionsPreset={optionsPreset}

Gets the Cut and Bend preview image.

POST api/CutAndBend/RenderPreview

No documentation available.

GET api/CutAndBend/GetCutAndBendDefinitions?specificationListingId={specificationListingId}

Gets the cut and bend definitions.

GET api/CutAndBend/GetCutAndBendDefinitions?listingGUID={listingGUID}

Gets the cut and bend definitions.

GET api/CutAndBend/GetCutAndBendDefinitions?cutAndBendDefinitionId={cutAndBendDefinitionId}&includeTaperedGroups={includeTaperedGroups}

Gets the cut and bend definitions.

GET api/CutAndBend/GetCutAndBendDefinitions?definitionGUID={definitionGUID}&includeTaperedGroups={includeTaperedGroups}

Gets the cut and bend definitions.

GET api/CutAndBend/GetCutAndBendDefinition/{id}

Gets the cut and bend definition.

GET api/CutAndBend/GetCutAndBendDefinition?definitionGUID={definitionGUID}

No documentation available.

POST api/CutAndBend/CreateCutAndBendDefinition

Creates the cut and bend definition.

POST api/CutAndBend/UpdateCutAndBendDefinition

Update cut and bend definition.

GET api/CutAndBend/DeleteCutAndBendDefinition/{id}

Delete cut and bend definition.

POST api/CutAndBend/ValidateCutAndBendDefinition

Validates the cut and bend definition.

POST api/CutAndBend/CutAndBendDefinitionProperties

Get calculated properties of the cut and bend definition.


GET api/Weld/GetWeldDefinitions?specificationListingId={specificationListingId}

Gets the weld definitions.

GET api/Weld/GetWeldDefinitions?listingGUID={listingGUID}

Gets the weld definitions.

GET api/Weld/GetWeldDefinition/{id}

Gets the weld definition.

GET api/Weld/GetWeldDefinition?definitionGUID={definitionGUID}

Gets the weld definition.

POST api/Weld/CreateWeldDefinition

Create weld definition.

POST api/Weld/UpdateWeldDefinition

Update weld definition.

GET api/Weld/DeleteWeldDefinition/{id}

Delete weld definition.


GET api/SystemData/GetMaterials?projectId={projectId}

Gets the materials.

GET api/SystemData/GetMaterials

Gets the materials.

GET api/SystemData/GetMaterial/{id}

Gets the material.

GET api/SystemData/GetLabelColors

Gets the label colors.

GET api/SystemData/GetCutAndBends?projectId={projectId}

Gets the cut and bend types available for a certain project.

GET api/SystemData/GetProjectTypes

Gets the project types.

GET api/SystemData/GetBendRadiuses?projectId={projectId}

Gets the bend radiuses.

GET api/SystemData/GetBendRadiuses

No documentation available.

GET api/SystemData/GetDeliveryOptions

Gets the delivery options.

GET api/SystemData/GetSurfaceTreatments

Gets the surface treatments.

GET api/SystemData/GetGalvanizationTypes

Gets the galvanization types.

GET api/SystemData/GetDocument/{id}?projectId={projectId}

The get document endpoint.


GET api/Project/GetProjects?onlyUserProjects={onlyUserProjects}

Gets the projects.

GET api/Project/GetProject/{id}

Gets the project.

GET api/Project/GetProjectByExternalCode/{id}

Gets the project by external code.

POST api/Project/CreateProject

Creates a project. Required fields (ProjectName, ProjecTypeId)

POST api/Project/UpdateProject

Updates the project. Required fields (ProjectName, ProjecTypeId)

GET api/Project/DeleteProject/{id}

Deletes the project.

GET api/Project/GetProjectExtended/{id}

Gets the extended version of projects. Getting one will also load the lists but when fetching multiple lists will be null.

GET api/Project/GetProjectsExtended?onlyUserProjects={onlyUserProjects}&fromCreatedAt={fromCreatedAt}

The get projects extended.


GET api/Mesh/GetMeshDefinitions?specificationListingId={specificationListingId}

Gets the mesh definitions.

GET api/Mesh/GetMeshDefinitions?listingGUID={listingGUID}

Gets the mesh definitions.

GET api/Mesh/GetMeshDefinition/{id}

Gets the mesh definition.

GET api/Mesh/GetMeshDefinition?definitionGUID={definitionGUID}

Gets the mesh definition.


GET api/System/GetServiceVersion

Gets the service version.

GET api/System/SystemUserValidation

Validates the user provided in the http header.

GET api/System/UserAuthentication

Validates and gets user data for the user provided in the http header.


GET api/Specification/GetSpecifications?projectId={projectId}

Gets the specifications.

GET api/Specification/GetSpecification/{id}

Gets the specification.

POST api/Specification/CreateSpecification

Creates the specification. Required fields (Unique SpecificationName, ProjectId)

POST api/Specification/UpdateSpecification

Updates the specification. Required fields (Unique SpecificationName, ProjectId)

GET api/Specification/DeleteSpecification/{id}

Deletes the specification.

GET api/Specification/GetSpecificationListings?specificationId={specificationId}

Gets the specification listings.

GET api/Specification/GetSpecificationListing/{id}

Gets the specification listing.

GET api/Specification/GetSpecificationListing?listingGUID={listingGUID}&extraIdentifier={extraIdentifier}

Gets the specification listing from listing guid.

POST api/Specification/CreateSpecificationListing

Creates the specification listing. Required fields (Unique ListingName, SpecificationId)

POST api/Specification/UpdateSpecificationListing

Updates the specification listing. Required fields (SpecificationListingId, Unique ListingName)

GET api/Specification/DeleteSpecificationListing/{id}

Deletes the specification listing.

GET api/Specification/GetSpecificationLock?specificationId={specificationId}&takeOverLock={takeOverLock}

Get the specification lock.

GET api/Specification/ReturnSpecificationLock?specificationId={specificationId}

Return the specification lock.


GET api/Article/GetArticleDefinitions?specificationListingId={specificationListingId}

Gets the article definitions.

GET api/Article/GetArticleDefinitions?listingGUID={listingGUID}

Gets the article definitions.

GET api/Article/GetArticleDefinition/{id}

Gets the article definition.

GET api/Article/GetArticleDefinition?definitionGUID={definitionGUID}

Gets the article definition.

POST api/Article/CreateArticleDefinition

Creates the article definition.

POST api/Article/UpdateArticleDefinition

Updates the article definition.

GET api/Article/DeleteArticleDefinition/{id}

Deletes the article definition.

GET api/Article/GetArticles

Gets the API available articles.

GET api/Article/GetArticle/{id}

Gets the article.

GET api/Article/GetPreview?definitionGuid={definitionGuid}

Get the previews the specified article definition.


GET api/Order/GetOrderHeads

Gets the order heads.

GET api/Order/GetOrderHeads?projectId={projectId}

Gets the order heads.

GET api/Order/GetOrderHead/{id}

Gets the order head.

POST api/Order/CreateOrderHead

Creates the order head.


GET api/ConfigElement/GetConfigElementDefinitions?specificationListingId={specificationListingId}

Gets the Config Element definitions.

GET api/ConfigElement/GetConfigElementDefinitions?listingGUID={listingGUID}

Gets the Config Element definitions.

GET api/ConfigElement/GetConfigElementDefinition/{id}

Gets the Config Element definition.

GET api/ConfigElement/GetConfigElementDefinition?definitionGUID={definitionGUID}

Gets the Config Element definition.

Response Codes

0 Request OK
1 API key is denied
2 System user is denied
3 Api method access denied
4 Unknown error
5 Method call error
6 Write call failed
7 Required values are missing
8 Update model is empty
9 Type parameters error
10 Model update not allowed
11 Obtain specification lock denied
12 Specification lock denied
13 Update of released listing not allowed
14 Model fetch not allowed
15 BVBS geometry error
16 BVBS index error
17 XML is not valid
18 Unable to load the data model
19 Returning not locked or not owned lock is not allowed
20 Supplied endpoint does not validate with the cut and bend
21 Update model is set to readonly
22 Validation error, unable to save
23 Update of old revision not allowed
24 Updating a model which your not the creator of is not allowed
25 Nothing was found on the attached fetch request
26 Tapered groups information error
27 Tapered group have faulty or missing parameters
28 BVBS type alias can't be empty or exceed 10 chars in length
29 GroupCount contain invalid value
30 GroupSize contain invalid value
31 Material not set or faulty value
32 Type value is not complying with max and min values
33 Type bendradius is missing or is faulty
34 Unable to load or find the article model
35 The quantity is not valid for the given article type
36 Update model id must be null when creating a new post
37 Update model id must be set when updating a post
38 Model is on order, update not allowed
39 Error with specification listing model or not found
40 Surface treatment not found for the specified external code
41 Galvanization not found for the specified code
42 Rowrevision for the cut and bend is not valid
43 Rowrevision for the weld is not valid
44 Rowrevision for the article is not valid
45 Model is empty or non serializeable
46 Project is not valid for orders
47 Invalid orderlines exists in order
48 BVBS not enabled in this environment
49 The given GUID was not found
50 Indata error
51 Listing has Welds
52 Listing has CnB
53 CnB instance not loaded, is CnBId valid?